Iphone 5c Brand Positioning

Apple has always been representative as high-end smartphones but now it introduced a new phone, iphone 5c, that is entirely different to previous product. This new

phone has different brand positioning. It heralds apple is ready into the low-end smartphone market that iphone 5c only sells for $99 in the United States.This is a

bold move at attract new groups of consumer. But the iphone has no breakthrough on technical improvement after Steven Jobs’ dead and other brands of mobile

phone have imitated Apple and even surpassed Apple, which make Apple lost the original advantages. Apple released this program about iphone 5c which is no

longer as popular as before. And Apple caused many awkward situation in China such as after-sale service and free-music resources. For affecting and controlling

the free-market, breakthrough improvement and brave innovation are very important to all enterprises.


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